As part of the IFC green bonds team Honorata provides support to selected real sector corporates, municipalities and state-owned enterprises in preparing for Green/Sustainability Bond issuances.
Pre-issuance support includes diagnostic sessions to assess potential issuers’ portfolio/pipeline and their ability to develop and manage eligible projects, customized trainings for corporate teams, and development of Green/Sustainability Bond frameworks. Issuers will also receive support and guidance in working with credible external reviewers and certifiers. Post-issuance support includes trainings for issuers to monitor and report on the use of proceeds and their impacts, guidance for annual impact reports and external disclosure through communication/marketing activities, as needed.
Broader green, blue and sustainability bond market development includes work streams with financial markets participants such as stock exchanges, investors, bond lead managers, framework reviewers and emerging market issuers.
Photo by Drew Daw on Unsplash